(Icon Credit: The Broke and the Bookish)
Top 10 Tuesday was started by The Broke and the Bookish and I encourage you all to start writing these posts as well.
When I read this topic, I knew I was going to have some issues. When a book is hard to get into, I usually don't end up reading it. I mean, I have a ton of books I want to get to in the near future and I don't want to waste my time with books I don't enjoy. So without any further ado, the top (i don't know how many) books I had trouble getting into, in no particular order
1. City of Bones - Cassandra Clare (finished, but didn't enjoy. Hard to get into for many reasons)
2. Will Grayson, Will Grayson - John Green and David Levithan (Finished, and loved. Hard to get into due to character building)
3. If I Stay - Gayle Forman (Finished, thought it was okay. Hard to get into for reasons unknown)
4. Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl - Jesse Andrews (Unfinished. Hard to read for cringe worthy language)
5. Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore - Robin Sloane (Unfinished, hard to read due to bland beginning)
6. Paper Towns - John Green (Finished, thought it was okay. Hard to read due to a bland story line)
7. We were liars - E. Lockhart (Finished, thought it was okay. Hard to read due to unrelatable characters and plot holes)
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