Saturday, February 28, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
The Chicago Trip
As you may know if you read my Book List post, I was able to take a weekend trip to my favorite place, the wonderful city of Chicago, Illinois.
Sadly, the weather wasn't amazing, however it was definitely doable with some gloves and a scarf, and it wasn't nearly as bad as all of the surrounding area. Of course it was windy, but what else would you expect in the Windy City?
I had a fantastic time shopping and eating amazing food, as well as spending our Sunday watching my younger sister compete in her gymnastics meet, (where she placed first and her team absolutely dominated). It was a nice break from the norm of high school life to live glamorously for a weekend.
I did do quite a bit of shopping damage, so let me know if you'd like a haul of the precious things I spent way too much money on.
xx Kendall
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Get to Know Jerry Maestas
Today I bring to you another installment in my "Influential People of the Internet" series, which I must admit, I really love doing. Being able to work with the people who inspire me is truly amazing, and I hope you're all enjoying them.
This time, I've had the incredible opportunity to work with someone very near to my heart. For those who don't know, Jerry Maestas is a fantastic photographer and YouTuber. He was absolutely incredible to work with, very down to Earth and humble, even with the amazing success he's already achieved. I followed Jerry back when he had about 1,000 followers on instagram and was, (I believe anyways), 19th or 20th subscriber. His photos were my main source of inspiration at the early stages of my love for photography and has continued to amaze me with his growth. If you have not already checked him out, please do so. He's going to be huge someday.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself!
I'm a photographer and small YouTuber located in Arizona. I'm currently going to school for business, specifically for marketing. I pretty much photograph everything I see and film everything that interests me.
2. What originally sparked your interest in photography? And what has kept that love alive?
I honestly don't really know what sparked my interest in photography. Like I said, I've always been naturally drawn to it. I mean I've always been fascinated by it so maybe my curiosity just got the best of me and its lead me to where I am today. I feel like the main thing that has kept my love for photography alive is that its opened the door for me to meet and connect with so many amazing people from all around the world. I wouldn't have friends in the UK or Australia if it wasn't for my love for photography.
3. As this is a project on influences, who are yours? (Personally and creatively)
Hmm its hard for me to pick certain people or things that influence me because I feel like I'm influenced and inspired by everything. When I say everything, I totally mean it too. I think my biggest influence/inspiration would have to be music and musical artists. I've always been extremely connected to music and it's influenced a lot of my work.
4. You've stated before that you felt the most accepted within the internet. Do you still feel this way? Do you encourage others to find friends on the internet?
I most definitely still feel that way! Everyone I've met through the internet have been such amazing people and I wouldn't trade my experience on the internet for the world. I don't know if I'd encourage others to find friends on the internet just because you shouldn't be in the mindset of, "oh I want friends from the internet so I need to find people who can be my friends". It shouldn't be forced. I made friends through common interests and it just so happened that it was through the internet. I think you can find amazing friends like I have in your city or small town! You just need to find a community of people with similar interests and values and connect with them. You don't really need the internet for that.
5. How have you seen yourself grow as a content creator?
Oh man, I've grown so much as a content creator and I can say that because I've been creating for, what feels like, so long now. With my photography, I've grown in technical ways, and even in my concepts. I feel like I truly know how to use my camera now compared to when I first started, but you learn something new with photography every day. With my YouTube channel, I feel like I've grown a lot too. My video quality is better, my set up is better, I understand my audience more. There's so much that goes into having a YouTube channel and I never realized it until I threw myself into it.
6. Where would you like to be, skills wise, in a year? 5 years?
Great question, I've actually never really thought about that too much until recently. I think with my photography, I'd like to get a little more professional with it and maybe even start a side job with it within a year to 5 years. I've done senior pictures and family photos for the past two years, but I was hoping that I could possibly shoot some fashion photography for magazines or websites, anything really. In a year, I'd like to see my YT channel grow a little more. That meaning branching out into other types of videos like inspirational videos, maybe more sit down and chat with me videos or even talk about technology. Who knows! Whatever I feel like making at the time. In five years, I'd love to start creating short films and music videos for big music artists. I know that's kind of a stretch, but I'd absolutely love to create music videos.
7. What's a word/phrase you're currently living by?
I stumbled across this quote on tumblr awhile ago and I've inspired by it ever since, "What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet" -Unknown. I just find the thought of a happy day to be so inspiring and looking back at some of the best days of my life that I've had so far and thinking that I might not even consider them to be the best days of my life because of all the wonderful days to come. It just makes me excited for the future, which is really something I feel like I need right now.
8. What are you truly passionate about?
So much. I put passion into everything I do honestly, but if I had to pick one thing that I'd consider myself to be truly passionate about, it would be music. I have always had a very deep connection with music and I often find comfort in the melodies or lyrics of songs, which helps whenever I happen to have a panic attack or if I'm stressed over something. Sometimes, if I don't know how to deal with a situation, I turn to music because its always there when you need it and sometimes the answers to your problems are hidden in the lyrics you've never paid attention to before.
9. Advice for anyone who wants to get into photography?
Just do it. Take photos of everything, whether that be your hands, your feet, your sister, the tree in your backyard, or a random snail on the side walk. Taking pictures all the time trains your brain to notice the little things in the world. It also helps you figure out how you like taking photos and what you like taking photos of. Just shoot until you cant anymore, call it day, and go home and admire your wonderful photos.
10. Final notes:
All I have to say is that I truly appreciate Kendall for this interview. It really made me think about everything in my life at the moment and I think I needed some forced perspective. Thank you Kendall and thank you reader for being interested in my life, my thoughts, and who I am.
All of the incredible photos in this post were pulled directly from Jerry's instagram
Have a look around Jerry's life!
Check out my previous interview with Corina Nika
And of course, if you have any recommendations of people I should check out for this series, please let me know!
Thanks again to Jerry for working with me so simply and willingly. I hope we can do it again in the future.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
The Book List #1

Well hello there,
Long time, no see. I apologize, things have gotten a bit crazy. I've also been having a few computer problems, which makes working on my blog quite frustrating. But have no fear, I have returned.
I have decided to start doing something a bit different when it comes to reviewing books. Instead of doing monthly wrap ups, which I've found to be quite stressful and discouraging, I've taken a page from Sophie's book, and have decided to start doing "book lists". This way, I can make them a lot more loose and when the time is right for me. Hope you all enjoy!
All The Bright Places
Jennifer Niven
5 Stars
This book tore me to pieces. It made me fall in love with yet another fictional boy and made my emotions go all over the place. In my personal opinion, it was a better version of Eleanor and Park. (Review Here) and I very highly recommend it if you're in the mood for a fantastic contemporary with interesting characters and a heartbreaking story.
Why We Broke Up
Daniel Handler
3 Stars
For some reason, I was expecting to really love this book. The ratings weren't that great, so I don't know why, but I was really disappointed. It just was boring and like plenty of other things I had read before. Just very blah.
Maus I
Art Spiegleman
4 Stars
This was a school reading assignment, which was super cool. It's not too often that teachers assign graphic novels for high school assignments. I did really enjoy this one. It was quite a quick read that really packed a punch and had a great story. Definitely check it out.
I have decided to start doing something a bit different when it comes to reviewing books. Instead of doing monthly wrap ups, which I've found to be quite stressful and discouraging, I've taken a page from Sophie's book, and have decided to start doing "book lists". This way, I can make them a lot more loose and when the time is right for me. Hope you all enjoy!
All The Bright Places
Jennifer Niven
5 Stars
This book tore me to pieces. It made me fall in love with yet another fictional boy and made my emotions go all over the place. In my personal opinion, it was a better version of Eleanor and Park. (Review Here) and I very highly recommend it if you're in the mood for a fantastic contemporary with interesting characters and a heartbreaking story.
Why We Broke Up
Daniel Handler
3 Stars
For some reason, I was expecting to really love this book. The ratings weren't that great, so I don't know why, but I was really disappointed. It just was boring and like plenty of other things I had read before. Just very blah.
Maus I
Art Spiegleman
4 Stars
This was a school reading assignment, which was super cool. It's not too often that teachers assign graphic novels for high school assignments. I did really enjoy this one. It was quite a quick read that really packed a punch and had a great story. Definitely check it out.
The Book List
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Your Daily Dose of Inspiration

(Photos all from the Inspirational Tag on Tumblr)
Hey guys,
As I write this, I'm a bit under the weather and couldn't really be bothered to write up a proper blog post today. So instead, I decided to do another inspiration dump since it's been a while. Hopefully this was a nice mid week pick me up for whoever needed one!
xoxo Kendall
Monday, February 9, 2015
Some Outfits
We have reached the time in which I compile some of my favorite outfits I've worn recently taken with a crappy camera in bad lighting because why not. I'm hoping I'll be able to use my nice camera more often and these posts will improve. Feel free to ask if you're looking for any of these items!
xx Kendall
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Get to Know Corina Nika
So this blog has been in existence for nearly a year now, and my instagram around for nearly two, Throughout this time I've found myself quite a few influences that have inspired me in a number of ways, and I'd like to share them with you. The Get To Know series shall be ongoing for as long as I can keep it going, touching on everyone from photographers, to writers, to musicians, to fellow bloggers, and I really hope you enjoy it.
To start off this series, I've had the honor to work with the fabulous Corina Nika, the creator of Cocorrina. If you are active in the blogging community, chances are you've seen her graphics somewhere, if not on her actual blog. Along with her graphics, Corina is also a fantastic writer and photographer and has quickly become one of my biggest creative influences.
Tell us a bit about yourself!
My name is Corina, and i’m a graphic designer and art director blogging at Cocorrina. Also super obsessed with lettering and photography. At the moment, my husband, me, our husky Bella and tuxedo cat Shrek are based in Kefalonia Island, Greece
What would you say triggered the feeling that this was what you wanted to do?
Looking back at some videos i’ve made with my friends in high school, in the question “what do you wanna be when you grow up” i said a famous designer. Later on, while in college studying interior design, i and basics of graphic design. My graphic’s designer teacher told me one day, that if you don’t do graphic design in your life you would regret it your whole life. And he was right. I had so much passion and love for this, that he saw it. And later on i saw it as well.
How have you changed, (both creatively and personally), since starting your blog?
I’ve changed in so many ways to be honest it’s insane. To start with, i learned how to be myself. Being quite introverted, i would allow only a couple of people see the real me. Funny, quirky, silly, bossy, passionate, completely nuts. Through my blog, i learned how to express myself, even through writing, but not being afraid of showing who i really am. And that went through my communication with other people as well.
What advice do you have for aspiring digital artists/designers?
Never be afraid of experimenting, trying new things. Challenging yourselves, that’s when creativity flows and that’s the moment you become better. Never stay in your comfort zone.
How would you describe your creative style/process?
Messy. I’m completely over the place, doing all kinds of things at the same time. But through the chaos is where inspiration and creativity are born :)
Since this is a series on influential people, who are some of your influences? (both creative and personal)
There are just so many. From photographer on instagram (just take a look at each and everyone that i follow) to fashion bloggers (Modern Legacy, Tuula, Ivania Carpio) and graphic designers (breanna rose, jessica commingle, mae mae paperie, designlovefest, amanda jane jones)
What are you truly passionate about?
Will sound kinda mainstream, but life itself. I tear up with every chance when it comes to how beautiful our world is, living, what a gift we have. And that same time, i feel all the bad emotions on how difficult it is to live, how harsh it’s gotten for all of us. I couldn’t be more passionate about living the life in the most beautiful way i can, enjoying every second and making the most of it.
A final note?
Thank you Kendall for having me :)
Thursday, February 5, 2015
The February Life Playlist
So no, this is not a new playlist. I've touched on my Life Playlist in the past. However, I've decided that I will be re-posting it on a monthly basis as an update as my music findings develop. So while the playlist is similar to how it was last month, there have been some omissions and some additions.
This month, the selection is a bit more varied with the edition of PVRIS which was a band I found last month, as well as several of the songs from Fall Out Boy's new album, (which I am thinking about sharing my thoughts on). Of course, Magic Man and Twenty One Pilots have their place as per usual.
Of course, if you have any suggestions for me, I'd love to hear them!
xx Kendall
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
The January Birchbox
First off, I apologize that this post is so late, that's just the way the scheduling of this post laid out. I've decided to give you a quick overview of all of the products within this adorable box this month as well as what I thought about them.
Curly Hair Solutions
Curl Keeper Gel
Full Size: $10-17.50
This is actually a really nice sized sample. The product itself works, but no better than other antifrizz and curl products from the drugstore. Will probably not purchase.
Dr. Jart+
Beauty Balm SPF 45+
Full Size: $39
Wow. The hype on this stuff is real. The sample is quite small, but the product is amazing. It's lightweight, dewy, and has a nice coverage while feeling amazing on my skin. It's a bummer that this one costs so much, or I would definitely be picking it up soon.
Essential Elements
Wake Up Rosemary Body Lotion
Full Size: $19
This one was just alright. The packaging is absolutely beautiful, but the lotion is nothing special. Average scent, average moisturization, and not worth $20
Harvey Prince
Hello Liquid Loofah
Full Size: $22
Eh. The scent was nice, but I saw no real benefit.
Manna Kadar
Lip Locked - All Of Me
Full Size: $24
I really loved this product. The staying power and color is amazing and the feeling is very comparable to the NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams, but the packaging of the sample was very flawed. Too much product is deposited, and when you wipe it off, it gets all over the wand. No thanks
I'm excited to see how my next Birchbox goes.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
The January Wrap Up

(Photo Credit: Kristen Bryant)
Let me preface this with the fact that I've really been in a slump this past month. I only read 4 books, and DNF'ed 2 others. I blame it mostly on exams and the stresses of the end of the semester, However, I think this will be a better reading month.
Shatter Me
Tahereh Mafi
3.5 Stars
I went into this book expecting to like it, but not to love it as everyone has told me that the next two are so much better. I would have to say that people were right, and that's a great way to go into the story. I found myself really enjoying the story, but there was nothing mindblowing about it. I will e continuing the series.
Explorer: The Lost Islands
Edited by Kazu Kibuishi
4 Stars
I liked this one better than the Explorer volume that I read last month. Very whimsical, beautiful artwork, and great stories.
Code Name Verity
Elizabeth Wein
4 Stars
Beautiful, heartbreaking, and captivating. The only reason I didn't give this one a full 5 stars was the slight times of boredom scattered throughout, but I'd definitely recommend this one.
The Iron Trial
Holly Black and Cassandra Clare
3 Stars
This was just okay. I like the characters, but it fell flat plotwise and basically felt like a Percy Jackson meets Harry Potter ripoff. I'll be interested in seeing if the next book improves.
Hopefully February will be better.
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