Hey Guys,
I want to preface this post with an apology. I have already slipped up on my blogging everyday. School and projects definitely got the best of me this week.
However, I really want to try to pick back up on it. I'm pretty busy today as I type this, but tomorrow should be a pretty productive day and I hope I can type up a good amount of posts then. Also, winter break starts next week, and that will be the perfect time for me to get way ahead of my blogposts.
But it's really hard guys.
I have so much respect for people who do this everyday and have gone years with very few breaks. The mental toll this takes on me is pretty insane.
But at the same time, I get it. This is really fun. Yeah, it's tiring and frustrating and sometimes makes me wonder why I agreed to this, but hey, it's fun. I have started to truly treat blogging as my job and a professional environment where I need to be presentable.
It's such an accomplishment when my posts go up everyday and to watch my views climb.
It really means the world to me.
xx Kendall
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