(Photo Credit: We Heart it)
I have this thing where I really enjoy getting inside the minds of creative people to see what their routines are, It's cool to see how people work, and therefore, I thought I'd put mine out there too.
Location doesn't particularly matter to me, but my favorite places to work on my blog are my bed and local coffee shops. No matter where I am, there needs to be some background noise, I struggle with silence. So typically, I'll catch up on YouTube subscriptions or watch some netflix while I work.
In one of my recent posts, I mentioned my Blog Book, which for me is my most vital blogging tool. I skim through here to keep tabs on what posts I have done and which ones I need to write up at some point.
After deciding on my posts that I plan to write up, which is typically about 3 at a time, I start to look for photos. I have a goal to get back into taking the photos for my posts again, but I usually look online for the photos, sourcing them appropriately. My favorite places to look are We Heart it, Tumblr, and Flickr.
After that, it's writing time. I tend to not spend too much time writing, as I find that the more effortless my writing is, the more casual and 'me' I sound.
When editing, I try to avoid nitpicking too much and let the words just kind of happen.
and that's about it.
What's your writing routine?
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